Done !

So, I just finished photographing each one of the 472 subway stations of New York City. It took me 12 days to complete.

It was quite adventurous to say the least.

There was the shooting. There was the crazy dude with the lamp post who thought I was Jesus and wanted me to pardon him. And, not being satisfied with my response, he started to chase me with the lamp post. There were a few guys with their privates hanging out, one in full erect status. Then there was the guy who punched me in the back, hard, for no apparent reason, only to storm off shouting ‘libertad, libertad,…’.

But also there was the lady who complimented me on my shoes, saying that I was absolutely killing it, and she wanted to get a pair as well. There was the fellow artist who was curious about what I was doing and, when I told him about it, thought it was as cool as sh*t. And there was the lady who at the risk of her own hands and fingers kept open the sliding doors of the metro for me.

I’ve got the photos, and now the real work starts: to create something cool out of it. Stay tuned.


The Star-Spangled Banner


Color Drops