It’s hard / July


It’s hard, July 2023


“Do you think anyone will buy this painting when it’s finished?,” an old friend asked as we were sipping some beers.

“I haven't really thought about it,” I said, “I really started doing this project for me, to reduce my alcohol consumption, and it is working. Then quite a few people reached out to me to tell me that this project had made them question their alcohol consumption and that they had decided to make some changes to it. One friend even adopted my credit system. That’s all very cool, I think. So, I’m already happy, regardless if I will sell the painting in the end.”

“Yeah, that’s cool. I’m not sure if anyone would want your drinking pattern on their wall.” he laughed.

“Hahaha yeah, I hear you. But I think it will look cool when it’s finished,” I said, “and I don’t really see it as a drinking pattern. I see it more as a story of a man that is regaining control, while the cultural norms and marketing budgets are stacked against him.”


It’s hard / August


La Metropolitana di Napoli